This Diwali, gift this one thing to Corona patients- Aaryanveda Appeals
2020 is a year that cannot be taken lightly as with an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus, the entire world has come to a halt with an irreplaceable loss of losing friends and family to this deadly virus. Every day many people are losing their lives while many people are fighting for their lives with this invisible enemy, but humans have shown that even in these difficult situations we at times forget that this world can only sustain if there is humanity in it.

The problem of coronavirus is aggravating in many countries that have been the top contributors of creating air pollution and unfortunately India has again topped the annual list of most polluted cities in the world. According to the medical experts, it has been observed that Coronavirus can be deadlier when the air becomes more toxic therefore, this is an alarming situation for India as we are already dealing with polluted air since years which gets worse when the blanket of smog appears every year because of the burning of crops by farmers and now as Diwali approaches, the level of pollution will be breaking all the records once again.

Therefore, keeping in mind the growing pollution around us amidst the increasing number of coronavirus cases every day, one has to ask a question from themselves, how moral would it be to burst crackers this Diwali while knowing that many coronavirus patients are fighting for their every breathe?
Since the lockdown has been uplifted it has been noticed that the pollution levels have increased because the industries want to cover up for their lost production during the time of lockdown and similarly the farmers are going to burn more crops this year which means that the pollution would be five folds more than before. Thus, in such a situation if the air becomes more toxic because of bursting crackers then we should know that our respiratory system is against the most crucial battle it has ever faced before.
Medical experts believe that people who have been exposed to long-term dirty air are more prone to get infected with the coronavirus. It has been noticed that most of the countries that have had a history of severely polluted air like the US, Italy and India have seen more fatalities.
So, after knowing that this year millions are suffering the biggest threat to their life, if one still chooses to burst crackers on Diwali, then we must ask ourselves whether we understand what Diwali truly means?

Diwali is a festival for celebrating the victory of the good over the evil but if this year we burst crackers and create more pollution and make things difficult for the coronavirus patients then we shall be losing out the essence of celebrating a true Diwali as well as humanity.
Therefore, this Diwali Aarynaveda makes a plea to all our fellow Indians that for the sake of the people who are already suffering from coronavirus, let's not make things more difficult for them by bursting crackers and polluting the air. Let's not make them suffer any more for their breathe and collectively join hands to reduce pollution so that their recovery speeds up.

So India, let’s take a pledge to celebrate this Diwali without bursting any crackers and by becoming victorious over the evil pollution and coronavirus so that no more innocent lives are lost.